Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

History Of Cigarettes In Indonesia


When talking about cigarettes, certainly no stranger to sound in our ears all. Who does not know about cigarettes??? No ads, banners, and even up to sponsor football in Indonesia is also there. Although just only, but I want to explain about the history of this cigarette. Indonesia's smoking habit, according to TS Raffles in his History of Java, first introduced by the Netherland in 1601. In Sangkala Ing Chronicle also mentioned that smoking occurs simultaneously with the death of Panembahan Senopati, ie between the years 1601-1602. In other areas, the source comes from the records of the Europeans, namely in 1603, is told that the authorities of Aceh has been used to smoking tobacco. In the same year, the presence of smokers in the Javanese began to appear in Bantam.

Though only slightly, but I want to explain about the history of this cigarette. Indonesia's smoking habit, according to TS Raffles in his History of Java, first introduced by the Netherland in 1601. In Sangkala Ing Chronicle also mentioned that smoking occurs simultaneously with the recent passing Panembahan Senopati, that between the years 1601-1602. In other areas, the source comes from the records of the Europeans, that is in 1603, is told that the authorities of Aceh has been used to smoking tobacco. In the same year, the presence of smokers in the Javanese began to appear in Banten.

However, smoking habits, at this early period is merely among the Dutch , the palace and the aristocracy. So you could say smoking is really very luxurious for ordinary people . It was only in the period of the XVI century , which in the early period of Islamic Mataram kingdom , smoke began to seem mundane activities among the general public. At the time of the Islamic Mataram, smoking is already widespread among the Java community. But in the previous two centuries, smoking is only commonly done by the Sultan of Mataram, Sultan Agung.

Solichin Salam in his essay, Holy and Cigarettes History, says that in 1624, the Javanese princes in the palace Kartasura also been fond of smoking of tobacco. While the habit is usually done by ordinary people in the enjoyment of tobacco in those days it was still chewing betel nut.

Chewing betel nut ( menginang ), eventually became part of the culture in the archipelago and is the most popular type of narcotics. Arguably, menginang is the forerunner to the introduction of Indonesian clove. Especially when this tradition in the future, along with the use of lime ( injet ), gambier, and tobacco . Moreover , in terms of its elements , the basic ingredients for ' menginang ' practically identical with what is contained in cigarettes . Tobacco to betel nut mixture known by many people with the name " chewing tobacco " . Javanese people call it fringe mbako.

Among his repertoire of original cigarette archipelago, which until now continues to fly and thrive is clove. Kretek , however, synonymous with the Holy city. In addition to it since clove cottage industry started, here are most of the monarch of clove like Nojorono, Jambu Bol, and Djarum build and develop the industry .
There are several opinions as to who actually first coined the clove, the most popular is Hadji Djamhari . The story of Hadji Djamhari and clove is like a collection of pieces back puzzel spoken separately by the Holy area residents . History began when Hadji Djamhari prolonged suffering chest pains . And to treat it, he tried rubbing clove oil on the chest and back, her body slowly turns merangsur began to improve . Then he tried to chew cloves, the result is much better. Then crossed his mind for this spice mix with tobacco to smoke usually wore. So the result, chest diseases Hadji Djamhari be healed.

This treatment quickly began to spread . Djamhari also mix and sell it, until finally he was flooded with requests from buyers . Demand for " non drug " is also flowing . Djamari serve many requests clove cigarettes . Because when smoked, the cloves are burning emits a " bridge ", the findings Djamari cigarette is known as " cigarettes " . Initially , this clove wrapped daunjagung klobot or dry . Sold per bundle where each bundle consists of 10, without the veil of packaging at all. Clove cigarettes also becoming known . Because it has the quality of treatment , cigarettes were sold in all drugstores . Until the end of the decade of the 80s , kretek is still positioned as a drug . Proven on some brands of clove cigarette packaging at the time it is written : "If you cough and this isep cigarettes , then your cough will be cured. " Hadji Djamhari discovery is then cultivate the desire of the producers to make a home in the Holy clove scale. Djamari supposedly died in 1890 . Identity and its origins are still sketchy. Only findings that are constantly evolving.

Ten years later, the discovery of a merchandise Djamari Nitisemito lure in hand, cigarette industry pioneer in the Holy area. Started by Nitisemito cigarette business in 1906 and in 1908 officially registered his business under the brand name " Bal Tjap Three ". Nitisemito steps that can be said to be a milestone in the growing Indonesian kretek cigarette industry.

Budiman and Onghokham kretek industry estimate birth in the Holy happened between 1870 to 1880, while Hanusz definitely calls occur in " early 1880 " as the birth of clove. Kretek, however, require creativity intuitive to put the pieces of cloves into the cigarette. So that was done by a native named Haji Djamhari.

According Hanusz , there are at least fifty to one with more than a hundred different flavors in the sauce clove. Clove sauce in taste and sensibility characterizes the society, namely the penchant for adding flavorings presented. This particular craze is actually reflected also in the tradition of chewing betel nut, because the bumiputera usually add cloves and other spices to accompany its main ingredients.

There are two main reasons why the sauce becomes necessary for cigarettes. The first is to characterize the flavor and character of the brand cigarettes. Sauce, in this case, is added to strengthen the sense of mixing different types of tobacco in it, as well as flavorings, which characterizes the uniqueness of each clove. The second, no less important and more fundamental, is that most of dried tobacco indirect fast, due to the high content of alcohol content. Therefore in this case the role sauces neutralize the taste of tobacco is still rough, while maintaining consistency and stabilize it.


Source: Kretek Community and all sources 

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