Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013


Fish are aquatic creatures are good for consumption. Eating fish is also good for the health of the human body. The fish oil, not only contains essential fatty acids that are beneficial to heart health, but fish oil can also be useful for mental health, which is like a person who is depressed, people with bipolar disorder also schizophrenia.
Fish oil is good, a lot of water there are fish in the sea. Examples of fish that have a good source of fish oil and is often processed by many companies is the type of mackerel, sardine fish (clupeids), swordfish, oysters, and tuna fish. Below I have mentioned some of the benefits of fish oil for health.

 Fish Oil As Vice Memory , Focus , And Power Thought
This includes both for the children who are still growing . Because fish oil can improve blood flow and can affect hormones and the immune system , and also make the brain function better .
Fish Oil For Healthy Eyes
Omega 3 in fish oil , may reduce the risk of dry eye syndrome and protect against macular degeneration mta / macular degeneration ( AMD ) eyes .
Fish Oil For Cholesterol
Eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPA ) and Docosahexaenoic acid ( DPA ) which is found in most high -quality fish oil supplements help regulate cholesterol. Therefore , fish oil can help regulate cholesterol levels.
Diseases of Fish Oil For Arthritis / Joints
Long-term use of fish oil is very useful reduce and prevent joint pain.
Fish Oil For Mental Health
Fish oil can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease , dementia , and schizophrenia .
Fish Oil For High Blood Pressure
Omega 3 has anti -inflammatory and anti - clotting content which helps in lowering blood pressure.
Fish Oil For Skin And Hair Health
Omega 3 can help keep moisture skin cells, produce collagen, reduce skin blemishes, and make a person look younger. While the proteins that are found in fish oil, may help in hair growth and hair health as well keep power.
Fish Oil For Pregnancy
Fish oil good for pregnant women because of the presence of DHA that helps the development of baby's brain and eyes . Fish oil also helps avoid premature birth, low birth weight and miscarriage .
Fish Oil To Asthma
Fish oil is very effective for respiratory problems such as asthma. Fish oil also helps reduce asthma attacks and make breathing more smoothly .
Fish Oil For Body Slimming
For the women would have been happy to hear this. A study in Australia has found that the diet by consuming fish oil regularly can lose weight. Fish oil can be used to treat hypertension and obesity.
Fish Oil Can Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
Not only lowers triglycerides , reduces hardening of the arteries, and lowering cholesterol, but fish oil also prevents your heart rhythm abnormalities.
Fish Oil Can Prevent Cancer
With Omega 3 in fish oil , may help maintain healthy cells and normal cells mutate into cancer cells and restrain the growth of unwanted cells . Fish oil known to be effective against some types of cancers , namely breast cancer, colon, and prostate.
Fish Oil To Overcome Acne
A little extra for those who have a lot of acne, fish oil effective for acne because its EPA content.

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