Juwet fruit, usually grows in low-lying, with a height of 500 m above sea level reaching inland. This tree can grow up to 10-20 m high. Have thick stems, the growth is not straight / curved, and has a lot of branches.
Has a single leaf and thick , 1 to 3.5 cm petiole , dark green . Leaves form a wide , round or ovoid elongated wedge-shaped base wide , flat edge , pertulangan pinnate , upper surface glossy , 7-16 cm long , 5-9 cm wide , . Panicle compound interest form with far-flung branches , flowers sat , growing in the armpits and on the end of branching leaves , petals light green bell shape , crown shape ovoid , many stamens , white , and smells wonderful . The fruit is oval shaped like a capsule , 2-3 cm long , young green , after ripe dark red -purple color . One seed , oval , hard , white color . Rooted riding , branched , light brown . Typically , the fruit is ripe Jamblang juwet or be eaten . It feels a bit sour and Sepat but . The bark can be used as a coloring agent .
Juwet or Jamblang fruit containing essential oils , phenols ( methylxanthoxylin ) , alkaloids ( jambosine ) , organic acids , triterpenoids , resin crimson elagat acid and tannins .
Most people in the Southeast Asian region , using root juwet or Jamblang for the treatment of epilepsy (epilepsy ) .
The content of oleanolic acid on juwet or Jamblang and Surinam cherry ( Eugenia Uniflora ) used by traditional healers in South America to reduce damage to the heart and liver cancer patients receiving doxorubicin chemotherapy treatment . Juwet or Jamblang fruit and other species ( Eugenia caryophyllata ) cooked contains compounds that can activate the enzyme glutathione S - transferase in the liver . This enzyme has detoxifying properties . In the animal experiments , increased production of glutathione S - transferase enzymes will reduce the incidence of gastric cancer to approximately 80 % .
Ayurvedic practitioners reported that the meat fruit or Jamblang juwet can lower blood sugar levels within 30 minutes . While seed juwet or Jamblang sugar levels in 24 hours . Achieving maximum yield hypoglycemic effects of juwet or Jamblang require ten days of treatment .
Which part Utilized
Part of the plant can be used as medicine is bark, pulp, and seeds . The pulp can be used is still fresh ( unprocessed) or dried . If the flesh eaten , will cause the oral cavity and tongue purple .
Which part Utilized
Part of the plant can be used as medicine is bark, pulp, and seeds . The pulp can be used is still fresh ( unprocessed) or dried . If the flesh eaten , will cause the oral cavity and tongue purple .
Juwet Fruit Benefits :
The flesh is sweet and sour , its cool , strong astringent , aromatic smell . Useful to clean the lungs , reduce indigestion , stop cough , laxative fart ( carminative ) , laxative urine ( diuretic ) , stimulates saliva , and blood glucose levels ( hypoglycemic ) . Bark efficacious for laxative menstruation . The results showed the seeds , leaves , and bark juwet or juwet or Jamblang have properties lowers blood glucose levels ( hypoglycemic effect ) in patients with type II diabetes mellitus . Study in India found in his research, that fruit or juwet or Jamblang juwet potential as a male contraceptive drug . Juwet or Jamblang also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis up to 60-90 % in diabetics . This happens because the content of oleanolic acid on juwet which can suppress the role of free radicals in the formation of atherosclerosis .
Flesh benefits :
To treat diabetes ( diabetes mellitus ) ,
To treat chronic cough , shortness of breath ( asthma ) ,
To treat whooping cough , cough in pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by chest pain ,
To treat stomach pain and diarrhea .
Benefits of Fruit Seeds juwet :
To treat diabetes ( diabetes mellitus ) ,
To treat diarrhea , dysentery ,
To treat digestive disorders such as bloating , stomach pain , abdominal pain ,
To treat strychnine poisoning ( antidote unspecified ) , and
To treat an enlarged spleen .
Benefits of Fruit Crops Bark juwet :
To treat diabetes ( diabetes mellitus )
To treat diarrhea .
Boiled bark or leaves to taste . Once cool , use to rinse his mouth . Do it 3-4 times a day .
stomach pain
Gongseng juwet or Jamblang dried fruit without seeds ( 30 g ) until fragrant . Put it in a bowl , add enough water until all ingredients are submerged , then the team until cooked . After chilling , eating entirely . Do it three times a day , for 10 days .
Cough in pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by chest pain
Prepare juwet or Jamblang fresh fruit ( 30 g , if the fruit is used keriny use as much as 15 g ) and fresh sembung ( ' Blumea balsamifera ) ( 25 g ) . Wash all ingredients , then cut into pieces as needed sembung . Put it in a bowl, add sugar ( 15 g ) and water as needed until all the ingredients submerged . Team until cooked . After a cold , drink the water . Eat fruit , but the seeds are discarded . Do it every night before bed.
Chronic cough , asthma
- Wash juwet or Jamblang fresh fruit ( 15 g ) to clean , remove the seeds , then eat . Do it three times a day .
- Provide juwet or Jamblang dried fruit ( 15 g ) . Put it in a bowl , add water until all the fruit submerged , then the team until cooked . After a cold , drink water and eat fruit all at once . Do it three times a day .
whooping cough
Prepare juwet or Jamblang dried fruit ( 15 g ) , bile hen ( 1 piece ) , and sugar to taste . Put it in a bowl , add water until all parts submerged , then the team until cooked . Drink the water and eat the contents . Do it once a day until healed .
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