Jumat, 15 November 2013

Benefits Of Sugar Forgotten


As is known by most people, if consumed to excess sugar can be detrimental to health. Because sugar can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and others. However, behind all of these risks, sugar also has many advantages that can be utilized. Below are the eight sugars that actually benefits you need to know.

Sugar Can Relieve Spicy And Burned Tongue
Foods and beverages that are too spicy or hot can make our tongues burned. Well, to relieve stinging or burning of the tongue, we can reduce it by drinking milk, but if not there, you can also use sugar.

Sugar To Treat Infections In Wounds
Pouring sugar on bedsores, leg ulcers, and amputation injuries proven to work well to kill bacteria and prevent injuries develop into a more severe infection. Bakteri membutuhkan air untuk bisa mempertahankan hidupnya. Tetapi dengan adanya gula, penyerapan air dari luka bisa dilakukan dan berguna untuk menghentikan pertumbuhan bakteri tersebut. This is consistent with the results of a study conducted by researchers from Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham (UK) to traditional treatments that are believed by Africans.

Sugar Can Clean The Oil On The Skin
Soap is usually difficult / not able to penetrate the layer of grease or oil on our skin, you can try to use sugar that is mixed with olive oil. It is useful to remove the oil before you wash it with soap.
Removes Dead Skin Cells
Sugar is also useful for removing dead skin cells and make the skin softer. The trick is to mix sugar with olive oil or almond Minyal, then rubbed on the skin and washed with clean water.

Smoothes Lips
Sugar can help overcome dry lips. Your lips will feel softer and moist naturally. The trick is to mix sugar with jaitun oil to form a paste. Apply it on your lips and leave it for 30 seconds, then wipe / clean with wet cloth.

Maintain Your Lipstick Makeup Last Longer
In order for makeup lipstick on your lips longer lasting, sprinkle sugar on your lips after using lipstick. Wait until some time after it was freshly cleaned.

Refresh Flowers In A Vase
Sugar is also good to maintain the freshness of the plant stems in your vase, plus the vinegar that can stop the growth of bacteria. The trick is to add 3 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to the water in a vase of flowers, fresh flowers decorate the room we had to be more durable.

Cleaning Stains On Clothes
Sugar is also useful for removing stains on your clothes. Instead you use bleach that contains harmful chemicals, it is better not ever try to use a paste of sugar and water. Apply the stain on your clothes and leave for an hour, then wash it in a way you normally wash.

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