Sabtu, 16 November 2013



Sometimes when we are planning to bake fish for food together or alone, must require a little extra spice that these fish have a little bit of flavor if eaten. If not, the fish will taste bland mouthfeel and feels a bit lazy to spend the food. Here are ways to cook / bake fish taste good so we grilled fish taste better.

Materials Needed:
1 kg of fish
1 ounce of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of acid diluted with half a glass of water
3 spring onions
3 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons of cooking oil
2 eggs hazelnut
Salt (to taste)

How To Cook Grilled Fish:
1. If making grilled fish, the fish should remain raw.
2. First of all, puree onion, garlic, nutmeg and salt.
3. Once everything becomes smooth, put brown sugar and puree again.
4. Once smooth, put tamarind water and cooking oil.
5. Soak fish into the spice for ± 1/2 hours.
6. After that, he applied the grilled fish spices leftover marinade that had so that the marinade is absorbed.

Good luck.!


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